Melbourne, 10 June, 2010.  Protect Our Winters (POW), the global environmental foundation founded in 2007 by legendary pro snowboarder Jeremy Jones, is broadening their reach this winter by opening a local chapter in Australia.

Protect Our Winters (POW) is a US-based non-profit organisation dedicated to reversing the global warming crisis by uniting and mobilising the global winter sports community. Jeremy has witnessed first-hand the impact of climate change on our mountains.

“POW was founded on the idea that if we harness our collective energy and put forth a focused effort, the winter sports community can have a direct influence on minimizing the damage that’s been done and ensure that winters are here for generations behind us”, said Jones.

Protect Our Winters is the environmental center point of the winter sports community, united towards a common goal of reducing climate change’s effects on our sport and local mountain communities.  POW’s focus is on educational initiatives, activism and supporting community-based initiatives that have tangible results.
“We’re really excited to be on the ground in Australia.  Climate change is a global problem and we’re a global winter sports community with the resources and collective might to have a big impact on it”, said Chris Steinkamp, POW’s Executive Director.

POW will focus on these specific areas:
·    Inspiring Australians to become involved locally
·    Building awareness and encouraging people to join POW
·    Generating support for POW initiatives in Australia
·    Seeking grant opportunities in Australia
·    Supporting educational initiatives and community based projects

Australia’s alpine country is extremely vulnerable to future climate changes. This is due to their small geographical extent, high degree of sensitivity, and relatively modest seasonal snow cover and depth.

Under current global warming scenarios, it is predicted that our Alpine regions will experience an 18-66% reduction in snow cover by 2030, and a 39-96% reduction by 2070. Such outcomes will of course have serious impacts on Alpine regions and their communities, and will greatly increase the risk of fire. In ecological terms, decreased snow and rainfall and increased temperatures caused by climate change will leave very little opportunity for Alpine ecosystems to adapt.

This is a huge opportunity for the Australian winter sports community to mobilise to slow climate change and hence help protect our alpine regions.

For details on POW in Australia, please contact Cam Walker.
0419 338 047
Further info on POW here.

You can join POW here.

Follow POW on Facebook.

Jeremy Jones has been a professional snowboarder for over 15 years and is widely regarded as one of the best big mountain snowboarders in the world. He has been voted “Best Big Mountain Rider of the Year” by Snowboarder Magazine Seven times, and featured in more than 20 snowboard movies.

Our activity

We will add details here as projects develop.

May 2012: we hosted a second season of the Backcountry film festival in Melbourne.

April 2011: we hosted the Backcountry film festival in Melbourne.

November 2010: we ran an action alert urging the Victorian state government not to enact new planning guidelines that would greatly limit the further development of wind energy.

July 2010: ACTION ALERT: We need a strong Climate Change Bill for Victoria. Details here.

News coverage

Coverage of the launch, June 2010:

Adventure Pro (outdoor adventure news)

Mountain Watch website

Snowboarder magazine

Lets not let it come to this!