The snowgum woodlands of The Bluff, up above the Howqua River, are remarkable. And all the more so for having pulled through the fires of 2006. These north facing forests, sitting as a band between the alpine ash lower down and the rocky, tilted face of The Bluff and Mt Eadley Stoney, are awe inspiring yet wonderfully peaceful places.

The most straight forward way to access them is via the walking track that goes up the north face, which leaves the road between Eight Mile Gap and Bluff Hut. There is an obvious carpark at the high point in the road and is clearly marked with a Parks Victoria sign. Allow about 90 minutes each way to the summit of The Bluff.

early snow, May 2009
what can you say? Old Snow Gum woodland, north slopes, early winter. It just doesn’t get much better …
