
Mountain Journal

Environment, news, culture from the Australian Alps


Franklin River

The Great Tasmanian Traverse

This guided trip, which will happen over 39 days, is an epic journey that seeks to ‘traverse’ Tasmania on foot and raft from north to south. While sections are covered by road and light plane, it does include a long walk from the north coast all the way to Lake St Clair. It then heads into Frenchmans Cap, does 8 days on the mid and lower Franklin River, before flying to Melaleuca on the west coast and one final, extended walk along the South Coast Track.

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Tasmania + summer = water adventures

I prefer my water frozen. But rivers are still pretty cool … and as spring and summer comes into focus, so does water related adventure.

And Tasmania has it all: tarns, huge lakes and dams, impressive rivers, incredible coastal inlets and harbors like Port Davey on the west coast.

Here’s a few obvious thoughts about the options on offer if you’re looking for an adventure:

Continue reading “Tasmania + summer = water adventures”

Three Rivers


Image: Brainsick Productions
Image: Brainsick Productions

Brainsick Productions have released a lovely 6 minute meditation on whitewater paddling in Australia called Three Rivers.

It reflects on the early descents of the Franklin, where paddling parties weren’t really sure of what awaited them down river, then shifts to the Mitta Mitta, which flows from Victoria’s high country, and finishes on the Herbert River in Queensland.

You can find it here.

Brainsick is Australian grassroots production company creating ‘meaningful media about outdoor environments in an attempt to build positive relationships with nature.’

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