john 1John Blankenstein and his family reside on the Far south Coast of NSW. John has been frequenting the mountains since the age of 15 were he fell in love with the sport of snowboarding. Being based on the coast so close to the snowy mountains provides ample opportunity for adventure. Over the last five years john has begun exploring the back country and the mountain environment that is on offer in the Snowy Mountains, NSW. Each year the Snowy Mountains provide a range of winter and summer based objectives that require a full suite of mountain skills.

“The mountain environment in Australia is unique and unlike anywhere else in the world. The people you meet and the friendships you forge are meaningful and rewarding. The mountain environment can teach us a lot about ourselves as individuals and as a collective. In today’s world of  cellular phones, games and other distractions the mountains provide me with a sanctuary were silence is promoted and the human senses come alive”.

John has and continues to travel each year to new and challenging places to learn new skills and persue his interest in the mountains, their people and cultures.

John Blankenstein, 37 years of age,
Resides in Tathra on the Far South Coast of NSW.
Home Mountain: Snowy Mountains Australia
Avid alpine and outdoor enthusiast.
Interests are Split-boarding, skiing, ski-mountaineering, rock climbing, alpine touring, mountain biking, running, surfing and camping with the family
Father of three and husband to a very gracious wife!
Education: Bachelor of Applied Science- Natural resource Management.
Employment: Self Employed at Environmental Plumbing Solutions Pty Ltd
Contact info: John Blankenstein (Facebook)

John’s articles on this site

Adventure on the western faces of the Snowy Mountains.

Watsons Crags in winter (July 2014).